Saturday, July 21, 2007


I've always known that it is with those who are nearest and dearest to us that we are able to show our best well as our worst side. I always wanted to believe that when the nearest and dearest is facing a horrible illness that for those around that person the best side would be amplified and the worst side would be diminished. Yesterday, I learned that this is not necessarily true. Even though I have forced myself to re-frame the situation and remind myself that stress and frustration can cause people to say and do things out of the ordinary. Even though I realize that culture, personality, & experiences influence how love is expressed and received. Even though I realize that differences in communication can cause misunderstandings. It still hurts. Every time something like this happens I have to remind myself to be quick to listen, slow to anger.

1 comment:

lugerpitt said...

And such a thing as grace helps. There is a phrase that captures this "Embrace the suck" Just understanding that your reactions to things are not the prettiest after long periods of stress.